最後修訂 by 陳又瑄:   2005/3/18 回首頁 (Dept. of A.M.) 陳年往事 (Older News)
日期 (Date) 時間 (Time) 演講者 (Speaker) 單位 (Unit)
組別 (Group)       (Topic)
2002/08/05 (Mon,二) 16:10~17:00 Prof. T.J. Arbogast Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA
科學計算組 A two-scale, locally conservative subgrid approximation for elliptic problems
2002/08/27 (Tue,四) 11:10~12:00 Prof. To Fu Ma Departamento de Matematica, Universidade Estadual de Maringa, Brazil
科學計算組 A Fourth Order ODE with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions
2002/09/17 (Tue,二) 11:10~12:00 蔣永延 教授
(Yungyen Chiang)
國立中山大學應用數學系(Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-Sen University)
系所交流 Vector Limit Superior and Limit Inferior
2002/09/18 (Wed,三) 11:10~12:00 王彩蓮 教授 國立中山大學應用數學系 (Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-Sen University)
系所交流 Commuting mappings
2002/09/19 (Thu,四) 15:30~16:30 傅承德  教授
(Fuh, Cheng-Der)
統計組 Option Pricing in a Black-Scholes Model with Markov Switching
2002/09/24 (Tue,二) 11:10~12:00 Professor Dr. Friedrich Pukelsheim Institute Mathematics,
Germany University of Augsberg
統計組 Kiefer Ordering of Simplex Designs for Second-Degree Mixture Models
 with Four or More Ingredients
2002/09/26(Thu,四) 15:30~16:30 林安德 教授
(An-Der Lin)
科學計算組 Recent Development of Single Mode Rayleigh-Taylor Instability
2002/10/03(Thu,四) 14:10~15:00 Prof. K. I. Beidar  國立成功大學數學系(Department of Mathematics, National Cheng Kung University)
數學組 On separativity of regular rings
  15:30~16:30 Prof. Edmund Puczylowski Institute of Mathematics, University Of Warsaw
  On essential extensions of reduced rings
2002/10/08 (Tue,二) 10:10~11:00 Thomas Klein fur Universitat Augsburg, Germany 
統計組 Optimal designs in the second-degree Kronecker model for mixture experiments 
2002/10/17(Thu,四) 15:30~16:30 連偉成  教授 國立高雄海洋技術學院
數學組 On the Existence of Positive Solutions of Nonlinear Second Order Differential Equations
2002/10/25(Fri,五) 16:10~17:00 張麗萍 教授 國立交通大學應用數學系
數學組 Weil-Petersson geometry of deformation spaces
2002/10/31(Thu,四) 15:30~16:30 黃項平 教授
(Hsiang-Ping Huang)
國家理論科學中心 (NCTS)
數學組 On Hyperfinite II_1 Factors
2002/11/12(Tue,二) 16:10~17:00 方開泰 教授 Department of Mathematics,
Hong Kong Baptist University
統計組 The Uniform Design and Its Recent Development
2002/11/14(Thu,四) 15:30~16:30 王偉仲 教授 高雄大學應用數學系
科學計算組 Computing and Visualizing Energy Levels and Wave Functions of 3D Nanoscale
Semiconductor Quantum Dot
2002/11/21(Thu,四) 14:10~15:00 謝叔蓉 教授 中央研究院統計科學研究所
統計組 Reconstructing Yeast Gene Networks by a Linear Model Approach
2002/11/21(Thu,四) 14:10~15:00 陳正宗 教授 海洋大學河海工程系
科學計算組 Introduction of dual BEM and its recent applications
2002/11/21(Thu,四) 16:30~17:30 李育嘉 教授 高雄大學應用數學系
數學組 The Segal-Bargmann transform for Levy functionals
2002/11/28(Thu, 四) 15:30~16:30 Prof. Habib Ouerdiane Department of Mathematics,
University of Tunis El Manar
數學組 Levy Laplacian acting on infinite dimensional holomorphic functions 
2002/12/03(Tue,二) 16:10~17:00 梁子威 教授 香港中文大學數學系
數學組 Some permanent properties of C*-unique groups
2002/12/10(Tue, 二) 11:10~12:00 鄧利源 教授 Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Memphis
統計組 Design, Search and Implementation of High-dimensional, Efficient, Long-cycle and  Portable Uniform Random Variate Generator.
2002/12/19(Thu,四) 14:10~15:00 李華倫 教授 中華大學應用數學系
科學計算組 3D animation and simulation for geometry
2002/12/24(Tue,二) 11:10~12:00 汪崧 教授 University of Western Australia
科學計算組 The Black-Scholes Equation and Option Pricing -
from Ito's lemma to numerical solution (I)
2002/12/26(Thu,四) 15:30~16:30 王一莓 教授 屏東師範學院數理教育研究所
科學計算組 An Inverse Problem in Crack Determination
2002/12/27(Fri,五) 16:10~17:00 葉永南 教授 中研院數學所
數學組 Odd or even on plane trees
2003/01/02(Thu,四) 15:30~16:30 謝春忠 教授  Institute of Math., Academia Sinica
數學組 Chern-Simons-Witten theory and Massey-Milnor linkings
2003/01/16(Thu,四) 14:10~15:00 黃子偉 教授 高雄師範大學數學系
數學組 Extinction Effect of Parasites on Host Populations
2003/01/16(Thu,四) 15:30~16:30 洪子倫 教授 逢甲大學應用數學系
科學計算組 Computation on quantum wells, wires, and dots with an example on
the eigenenergy and wave function for the hterostructured III-V superlattice.
數學組 11 場
統計組  6 場
科學計算組 9 場
系所交流 2 場
共計 28 場