Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-sen University   108-1 Seminars, 2019

Earlier seminars  中文

Date Time Speaker Affiliation Title
2020/1/20 14:10-16:00 Professor Xuding Zhu Zhejiang Normal University Hedetniemi’s conjecture and the Poljak-Rödl function (1), (2)
2020/1/9 15:30-16:30 Professor C.S. Chen School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi, USA A novel RBF collocation method using fictitious centres
2020/1/2 15:10-16:00 Professor Hsueh-Yung lin Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe Kähler 幾何上的動態系統
2020/1/2 14:10-15:00 Professor Jia-Ming Ying 國立臺北教育大學 Methods of limits and infinitesimals in pre-modern East Asia
2020/1/2 14:10-16:00 Professor Herbert Scott Dumas Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Mexico, USA (1) What’s So Great About KAM Theory? (Ⅰ)
(2) What’s So Great About KAM Theory? (Ⅱ)
2019/12/26 14:10-17:00 Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yatsen University SEMINAR IN SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING
2019/12/19 14:10-16:00 Professor Chun-Ju Lai University of Georgia, USA (1) A gentle introduction to Springer fibers
(2) Irreducible components of two-row Springer fibers and Nakajima quiver varieties
2019/12/18 14:10-15:00 Dr. David Robertson MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge Error control for sequential trials
2019/12/05 14:10-15:00 Professor Yu-Chung Wei Department of Statistics, Feng Chia University, TAIWAN Association Study of Copy Number Variation via a Bayesian Procedure in Next Generation Sequencing
2019/12/04 15:10-16:00 Professor Cathy Yi-Hsuan Chen University of Glasgow SONIC: Social Network with Influencers and Communities
2019/12/04 14:10-15:00 Professor Wolfgang Karl Härdle Humboldt-Universitiät zu Berlin A Dynamic Network Perspective of Cryptocurrencies
2019/11/21 15:30-16:30 Professor Ying-Chieh Lin Department of Applied Mathematics, National University of Kaohsiung Global existence and strong trace property of entropy solutions to nonlinear hyperbolic balance laws
2019/11/21 14:10-15:00 李丕強 博士 啟碁科技股份有限公司 從設計到製造的數位智慧化所帶來的挑戰與機會--應數、統計與數學的過來人
2019/11/18 11:10-12:00 Professor Shwu-Rong Shieh Institute of Statistical Science Academia Sinica Genomic examples in data science
2019/11/14 16:10-17:00 Professor Jia-Wei Lee Department of Civil Engineering, Tamkang University STATIC ANALYSIS OF THE FREE-FREE TRUSSES BY USING A SELF-REGULARIZATION APPROACH
2019/11/14 14:10-15:00 Professor Kung-Chien Wu National Cheng Kung University Some results on Boltzmann equation
2019/11/13 14:10-15:00 Professor Tso-Jung Yen Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica An attention algorithm for solving large scale structured l0-norm penalized estimation problems
2019/11/07 16:10-18:00 Professor Wang, Ying University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA (1) Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Methods for an Underground Oil Recovery Model (Ⅰ)
(2) Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Methods for an Underground Oil Recovery Model (Ⅱ)
2019/11/07 15:10-16:00
Professor Alexander Grigo University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA Averaging in a fully coupled system with singularities
2019/10/31 14:10-15:00 Professor Benoit Collins Kyoto University Regularized minimum output entropy and generalized Haagerup inequalities
2019/10/31 14:10-15:00 Doctor Wan-Ru Hsieh Wistrom Corporation 淺談「資料科學家」在「商業資料分析流程」扮演的角色
2019/10/24 14:10-15:00 Professor Yu-Hsiang Cheng SHIH HSIN University An iterative variable screening approach for linear regression model
2019/10/21 14:10-15:00 Professor Mei-Heng Yueh National Taiwan Normal University Manifold Parameterization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
2019/10/17 14:10-16:00 Professor Ko-Wei Lih Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica 計算的文化史
2019/10/3 14:10-15:00 Doctor Shih-Yu Chen Academia Sinica On the algebraicity of the symmetric sixth power L-function of elliptic modular forms
2019/10/2 14:10-15:00 Professor Yen-Tsung Huang Academia Sinica Causal mediation of semi-competing resks
2019/9/30 15:10-16:00 Professor Paul Horn University of Denver, USA Discrete Curvature, Graph Geometry and PageRank
2019/9/26 14:10-15:00 Professor Juan Wang China University of Mining and Technology Acyclic coloring and acyclic L-coloring of graphs with given maximum degree
2019/9/26 14:10-15:00 Professor Chin-Hao Chang Institute of Statistics, National University of Kaohsiung Estimation of Breakpoints for Extended Efficiency Function
2019/8/14 11:10-12:00 Doctor Yu-Ting Lin Department of Anesthesiology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital Manifold learning in medical signal processing and data analysis