Math551 Seminar in Mathematics (I) | 數學書報討論(一)[應數碩]

Math752 Seminar in Mathematics (II) | 數學書報討論(二)[應數博]

Special Announcement regarding COVID-19


Course Info top

Further Resources

大家來學 LaTeX
   Edward G.J. Lee 李果正

Minimal beamer presentation
   Mahmoud Ahmed

CoCalc (Website for compiling LaTeX, SageMath, Python, and so on.)

TeXnique (A \(\LaTeX\) Typesetting Game.)

Learning objectives

A good presentation is comprised of a convincing motivation, meaningful materials, clear explanations, and maybe some brilliant ideas to make people understand your results easier. While the materials are important, oftenly we ignored the other parts of a talk—thus it becomes boring or hard to understand. In this course, there will be many talks throughout the semester. You may learn mathematics from them, while it is also important for you to learn how to analyze the pros and cons of each talk. Do I want to adopt some speaking technique of this speaker? Is there something that I definitely do not want to be the same as the speaker? Learning from each speaker is one of the keys to give awesome presentation.



40% Attendance + 20% Participation + 40% Presentation

You get 5 participation points whenever you ask a question, or share your thoughts in a talk. The maximum participation point is 20 points for each person. Record your activities using the link above.

Tentative Schedule top


The typesetting for mathematics expressions are powered by KaTeX.

Homework/Quiz top

There are no homework and quizzes.

Each student needs to give a 20-minute presentation, and you have to use LaTeX/Beamer to make your slides. I recommend you to show me your slides at least one week before your presentation so that I can give you some advices.

Policies/Ethics top


Students with diverse learning styles and needs are welcome in this course. In particular, if you have a disability/health consideration that may require accommodations, please feel free to approach me.


Percentage scores will be converted to letter grades according to the university-wide standard table.


You are expected to attend the classes.

Missing work

If you miss some course components due to illness, accident, family affliction, or religious observances, please talk to me and provide the documentation. In such cases, the course component is excused, and your course score will be calculated by distributing the weight of the missed item(s) across the other course components. Missing components are limited to at most 20%.