歷年學術演講 106 學年度 第二學期
日期 Date | 時間 Time | 演講者 speaker | 單位 Unit | 主題 Topic | 教室 | 邀請者 Inviter | 備註 |
2018/7/12(Thu,四) | 14:10-17:00 | Dang Quang A | Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam | 1.Unified approach to some boundary value problems for fully fourth order differential equations 2.A novel approach to the Dirichlet problem for fully fourth order differential equations 3.An efficient method for solving nonlinear biharmonic problems |
理SC 4009-1 | 呂宗澤 | |
2018/7/5(Thu,四) | 11:10-12:00 | 鍾佑民 教授 | University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA | Computational topology with applications in the imaging sciences | 理SC 4009-1 | 李宗錂 | |
2018/6/14(Thu,四) | 14:10-16:00 | 科學計算組書報 | 中山大學應用數學系 | 科學計算組書報討論 | 理SC 4011 | 李宗錂 | |
2018/5/31(Thu,四) | 15:30-16:30 | 蔣俊岳 教授 | 國立虎尾科技大學通識教育中心 | On the semigroup property for some structured iterations | 理SC 4009-1 | 李宗錂 | |
2018/4/26(Thu,四) | 15:30-16:30 | 李雪甄 教授 | 文藻外語大學通識教育中心 | Study on the viscoelastic fluid flows through one slot channel using least-squares finite element methods | 理SC 4009-1 | 李宗錂 |