Math103/GEAI1215 Linear Algebra I | 線性代數(一)


Course Info top


Linear Algebra [pdf answers]
   Jim HefferonCourse website

Further Resources

Essence of linear algebra (YouTube playlist; we watched chapter 2 on 11/5)

Learning objectives

Linear algebra is motivated by solving a system of linear equations. In this course, you will learn how to solve a system of linear equations with a general strategy---the echelon form. Through echelon form, we are able to read the essential information of the equations (basis and rank) and the solutions (null space and nullity). The equations and the solutions can be described by vector spaces. We will learn how to find the basic information of a vector space, including the basis, the rank, and the operations on them. We will study the maps between vector spaces and learn how to write down a matrix representation for them.



30% Midterm1 + 35% Midterm2 + 35% Final exam

Tentative Schedule top

Homework/Quiz top

No homework and quizzes. Sample questions will be posted weekly for you to prepare the exams.

Here are the Kahoot! quizzes we played in the class.

Policies/Ethics top


Students with diverse learning styles and needs are welcome in this course. In particular, if you have a disability/health consideration that may require accommodations, please feel free to approach me.


Percentage scores will be converted to letter grades according to the university-wide standard table


You are expected to attend the classes.

Missing work

If you miss some course components due illness, accident, family affliction, or religious observances, please talk to me and provide the documentation. In such cases, the course component is excused, and your course score will be calculated by distributing the weight of the missed item(s) across the other course components. Missing components are limited to at most 20%.